Friday, June 4, 2010

Project 3: Wk4 Fifth Attempt

Have developed the treatment of the King Street entrance. I used the expressiveness of the geometry in Henson's 'shard' montage work as the basis, then applied the idea of a structural steel framework with glass. I feel that the angularity of the 'shards' is appropriate for the entrance as it gives a level of thickness that is not out of place with the surrounding shopfronts, and that it hints at the angularity of the spaces within. I also feel that it adds a sense of welcoming, as the public can look in from the street and be encouraged to enter, however it continues Henson's theme of tension by partly obstructing the view so they must enter to see the artwork properly. The shards will also allow for projected lighting effects, late in the afternoon when the sun is shining from the south.

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